Monday, November 20, 2006

Trolley Bus Register.

This is the start of a photographic Trolley Bus Register. 9:30am, Sunday morning in the middle of November is a cool time to be Trolley Bus Spotting (TBusS). I know what you are thinking, but you have to start somewhere, don’t you? I am guessing but I think this is the oldest TBus spotted so far based on the 4-068 number. She is going east on Peace Avenue.

I was taken a bit by surprise when 4-068 reappeared about 20 mins later going in the opposite direction. Route 4 leaves Peace Avenue not far just east of my office going south towards the railway station and comes back in a loop to the Avenue.. This route needs investigating.

And this I think is the youngest TBus seen so far, 4-170. Route 2 goes the whole length of Peace Avenue. There is a brand new TBus on this route, built in UB. I keep seeing her but not with a camera!!! But I will track her down. And then give her a blog entry on her own!! I cannot wait to have a ride.